10 of Swords Reversed as Feelings: What Does It Mean?

10 of swords reversed as feelings


The 10 of swords is one of the most dreaded cards in the tarot deck. It depicts a man lying on the ground with 10 swords piercing his back, symbolizing a final and brutal defeat. However, this card is not always as negative as it seems. Sometimes, it can indicate a positive outcome, such as a new beginning, a relief, or a liberation. The meaning of the 10 of swords depends largely on how it is positioned in a tarot spread. When it is upright, it usually signifies a painful and inevitable ending, such as a betrayal, a loss, or a death. When it is reversed, it can signify a different kind of ending, one that is more hopeful, healing, or forgiving. In this article, we will explore what the 10 of swords reversed means as feelings, both for yourself and for others. We will also look at how this card affects your relationships and your career, and how you can cope with the emotions it brings up.

10 of swords reversed as feelings for yourself

If you draw the 10 of swords reversed as feelings for yourself, it means that you are going through a difficult and emotional time. You may feel betrayed, hurt, or abandoned by someone or something that you trusted or loved. You may feel like you have hit rock bottom, and that there is no way out of your situation. You may feel hopeless, helpless, or powerless to change anything. However, the 10 of swords reversed also suggests that you are not alone in your suffering. There are people who care about you and who want to help you. There is also a light at the end of the tunnel, and a chance for a new start. The 10 of swords reversed indicates that you are close to the end of a cycle, and that you are ready to let go of the past and move on to the future. You may need to face your fears, accept your losses, and forgive yourself and others. You may also need to heal your wounds, both physical and emotional, and seek professional or spiritual guidance if necessary. By doing so, you will be able to overcome your challenges and find peace and happiness again.

10 of swords reversed as feelings for someone else

If you draw the 10 of swords reversed as feelings for someone else, it means that you have strong and complex emotions towards that person. You may feel guilty, remorseful, or regretful for something that you did or said to them, or for something that you failed to do or say. You may feel like you owe them an apology, an explanation, or a compensation. You may also feel like you need to forgive them, or ask for their forgiveness, for something that they did or said to you, or for something that they failed to do or say. You may also feel like you need to close a chapter with them, or say goodbye to them, either temporarily or permanently. The 10 of swords reversed indicates that you are in a process of reconciliation, resolution, or closure with that person. You may need to communicate honestly, openly, and respectfully with them, and listen to their side of the story. You may also need to express your feelings, your needs, and your expectations, and respect theirs. You may also need to acknowledge your mistakes, your responsibilities, and your consequences, and accept theirs. By doing so, you will be able to heal your relationship, or end it on good terms.

10 of swords reversed as feelings in a relationship

If you draw the 10 of swords reversed as feelings in a relationship, it means that you are experiencing a major change or transition in your romantic life. You may feel like your relationship is ending, breaking up, or moving on to a different stage. You may feel like you and your partner are growing apart, losing interest, or falling out of love. You may feel like you have irreconcilable differences, unresolved conflicts, or incompatible goals. You may also feel like you have been betrayed, cheated, or lied to by your partner, or that you have done the same to them. The 10 of swords reversed indicates that you are facing a reality check, a wake-up call, or a turning point in your relationship. You may need to make a decision, a compromise, or a sacrifice, or accept the consequences of your actions. You may also need to redefine, renegotiate, or reevaluate your relationship, or end it altogether. You may also need to learn from your experience, grow from your pain, and move on with your life. By doing so, you will be able to find clarity, closure, or a new opportunity in your love life.

10 of swords reversed as feelings in a career

If you draw the 10 of swords reversed as feelings in a career, it means that you are going through a challenging and stressful time at work. You may feel like you have failed, disappointed, or let down yourself, your boss, your colleagues, or your clients. You may feel like you have made a mistake, a bad decision, or a wrong move that has cost you your reputation, your position, or your income. You may also feel like you have been treated unfairly, unjustly, or dishonestly by your employer, your co-workers, or your competitors. The 10 of swords reversed indicates that you are facing a crisis, a setback, or a loss in your professional life. You may need to admit your fault, take responsibility, or face the consequences of your actions. You may also need to apologize, explain, or make amends for your behavior. You may also need to resign, quit, or change your job, or look for a new one. You may also need to improve your skills, update your resume, or expand your network. By doing so, you will be able to recover, bounce back, or find a new direction in your career.


The 10 of swords reversed is a card that can evoke strong and mixed feelings, both for yourself and for others. It can indicate feelings of betrayal, loss, despair, or hopelessness, as well as feelings of guilt, remorse, forgiveness, or closure. It can also indicate feelings of ending, breaking up, or moving on, as well as feelings of failure, disappointment, or resignation. However, the 10 of swords reversed also implies that there is a silver lining, a ray of hope, or a new beginning. It suggests that you are close to the end of a cycle, and that you are ready to start a new one. It also suggests that you have the opportunity to heal, learn, and grow from your experience, and to find peace, happiness, and success again. The 10 of swords reversed is a card that can help you cope with your feelings, and to transform them into something positive and productive.


Q: What does the 10 of swords reversed mean in a yes or no question?

A: The 10 of swords reversed is usually a no card, as it indicates a negative or unfavorable outcome. However, it can also be a yes card, if it means that something is ending or changing for the better

Q: What does the 10 of swords reversed mean in a love reading?

A: The 10 of swords reversed can mean different things in a love reading, depending on the context and the question. It can mean that you or your partner are feeling betrayed, hurt, or abandoned, and that you need to heal and forgive. It can also mean that you or your partner are feeling guilty, remorseful, or regretful, and that you need to apologize and make amends. It can also mean that you or your partner are feeling like your relationship is over, and that you need to move on and find closure.

Q: What does the 10 of swords reversed mean in a career reading?

A: The 10 of swords reversed can mean different things in a career reading, depending on the context and the question. It can mean that you are feeling like you have failed, disappointed, or let down yourself or others, and that you need to take responsibility and face the consequences. It can also mean that you are feeling like you have been treated unfairly, unjustly, or dishonest