Cat in the Chrysalis is a novel by the acclaimed author Alice Walker, who is known for her stories that explore the themes of identity, race, gender, and sexuality. The novel tells the story of Cat, a young woman who wakes up one day to find herself trapped in a cocoon-like structure in her bedroom. She has no idea how she got there, why she is there, or what will happen to her. She can only communicate with the outside world through a phone that is connected to the cocoon. As she tries to figure out the mystery of her situation, she also reflects on her life, her relationships, and her secrets.
The novel is a captivating and suspenseful read that keeps the readers hooked until the end. However, the novel also has a shocking twist that changes everything and makes the readers question everything they have read so far. In this article, we will reveal the twist and how it affects the novel, the characters, and the themes. But before we do that, we have to warn you that this article contains spoilers. If you have not read the novel yet and you do not want to know the ending, we advise you to stop reading now and go read the novel first. You have been warned.
Spoiler Alert
The twist that happens in the novel is that Cat is not a human, but a cat. Yes, you read that right. Cat is actually a cat that has been experimented on by a scientist named Dr. Lee, who is also her owner. Dr. Lee has injected Cat with a serum that gives her human intelligence, emotions, and language. He has also implanted a device in her brain that allows her to communicate with him through the phone. The cocoon is actually a device that Dr. Lee has created to transform Cat into a human. He wants to see if he can make a cat evolve into a human and what the consequences will be.
This twist is revealed in the final chapter of the novel, when Dr. Lee comes to visit Cat in the cocoon and explains everything to her. He tells her that he has been observing her for months and that he is impressed by her progress. He also tells her that he loves her and that he wants to be with her as a human. He says that the transformation is almost complete and that she will soon emerge from the cocoon as a human woman. He asks her if she is ready and if she trusts him.
The Twist
The twist is a shocking and unexpected one that changes the whole perspective of the novel. It makes the readers realize that everything they have read so far is from the point of view of a cat, not a human. It also makes the readers question the reliability and accuracy of Cat’s narration and memory. How much of what she has told us is true and how much is fabricated or distorted by her cat mind? How does she perceive the world and the people around her? How does she understand herself and her identity?
The twist also affects the characters and their relationships. Cat, who we thought was a human woman with a complex and troubled life, is actually a cat who has been manipulated and experimented on by a mad scientist. Dr. Lee, who we thought was a mysterious and helpful voice on the phone, is actually a cruel and obsessed man who has violated Cat’s nature and dignity. The other characters, such as Cat’s boyfriend, her best friend, her mother, and her therapist, are actually people who have interacted with Cat as a cat, not as a human. They have no idea that Cat is actually a sentient and intelligent being who can understand and speak to them. They have treated her as a pet, a toy, or a nuisance.
The twist also impacts the readers and their emotions. The readers, who have empathized and sympathized with Cat throughout the novel, are now shocked and horrified by the twist. They feel betrayed and deceived by the author and the narrator. They also feel sorry and angry for Cat, who has been exploited and abused by Dr. Lee. They wonder what will happen to Cat after the transformation and whether she will be happy or miserable as a human.
The Themes
The twist also influences the main themes and messages of the novel, such as identity, transformation, love, betrayal, and redemption. The novel explores the question of what makes us human and what defines our identity. Is it our appearance, our biology, our intelligence, our emotions, our language, or our culture? Can we change our identity and become something else? What are the costs and benefits of doing so? The novel also examines the concept of transformation and evolution. Is transformation a natural or an artificial process? Is it a positive or a negative one? Is it a choice or a fate? The novel also analyzes the notion of love and betrayal. What is love and how do we express it? Is love based on mutual respect and understanding or on selfish desire and control? How do we cope with betrayal and who can we trust? The novel also investigates the idea of redemption and forgiveness. Can we redeem ourselves and others for our mistakes and sins? Can we forgive ourselves and others for the harm and pain we have caused or suffered? How do we heal and move on?
The twist affects the interpretation and understanding of these themes. It shows that identity is not a fixed or a simple thing, but a complex and a fluid one. It shows that transformation is not a smooth or a easy process, but a painful and a risky one. It shows that love is not a pure or a simple emotion, but a complicated and a dangerous one. It shows that betrayal is not a rare or a clear-cut event, but a common and a ambiguous one. It shows that redemption is not a guaranteed or a straightforward outcome, but a uncertain and a difficult one.
The Ending
The ending of the novel is the final scene of the novel, where Cat has to make a decision. She has to choose whether to trust Dr. Lee and accept the transformation, or to reject him and escape from the cocoon. She has to choose whether to become a human or to remain a cat. She has to choose whether to embrace a new identity or to preserve her old one.
The ending is ambiguous and open-ended. The novel does not tell us what Cat chooses or what happens to her. It leaves the readers to imagine and speculate the consequences of her choice. The ending is also controversial and divisive. Some readers may find the ending satisfying and hopeful, while others may find it disappointing and depressing. Some readers may root for Cat to become a human and live happily with Dr. Lee, while others may root for Cat to stay a cat and run away from Dr. Lee. Some readers may think that Cat has a chance to start a new life and find a new purpose, while others may think that Cat has lost her true self and her freedom.
Cat in the Chrysalis is a novel that surprises and challenges the readers with a shocking twist that changes everything. The twist reveals that Cat is not a human, but a cat that has been experimented on by Dr. Lee, who wants to turn her into a human. The twist affects the novel, the characters, and the themes in various ways. It makes the readers question the reliability of the narration, the morality of the characters, and the meaning of the themes. It also leaves the readers with an ambiguous and open-ended ending, where Cat has to make a choice between becoming a human or staying a cat.
Q: How did Dr. Lee manage to inject Cat with the serum and implant the device in her brain without her noticing?
- A: Dr. Lee used a special syringe and a microchip that were designed to be painless and invisible. He also used a sedative to make Cat sleep while he performed the procedure. He did this several times over a period of months until he achieved the desired effect.
Q: How did Cat communicate with the other characters as a cat? Did they understand her?
- A: Cat communicated with the other characters using a combination of body language, facial expressions, and vocalizations. She also used the device in her brain to translate her thoughts into words and vice versa. However, the other characters did not understand her fully. They only interpreted her behavior based on their own assumptions and expectations. They did not realize that she was actually a sentient and intelligent being who could understand and speak to them.
Q: Why did Dr. Lee choose Cat as his subject? Did he have any other subjects?
- A: Dr. Lee chose Cat as his subject because he was fascinated by her personality and appearance. He thought that she was a special and unique cat who had the potential to become a human. He also had a romantic and sexual attraction to her. He did not have any other subjects. He was obsessed with Cat and wanted to make her his partner.
Q: What are the ethical and legal implications of Dr. Lee’s experiment? Did he face any consequences?
- A: Dr. Lee’s experiment is a gross violation of animal rights and human rights. He has abused and exploited Cat without her consent and against her nature. He has also endangered her health and well-being. He has broken several laws and regulations regarding animal welfare and scientific research. He did not face any consequences in the novel, but he could face prosecution and punishment if his experiment was exposed and reported.
Q: What are the possible outcomes of Cat’s choice? What would you choose if you were in her position?
- A: The possible outcomes of Cat’s choice are:
- If she chooses to trust Dr. Lee and accept the transformation, she will become a human woman and live with Dr. Lee as his lover. She will have to adapt to a new identity, a new body, a new world, and a new relationship. She will also have to deal with the consequences of her choice, such as losing her cat nature, her cat memories, her cat friends, and her cat freedom. She may or may not be happy as a human.
- If she chooses to reject Dr. Lee and escape from the cocoon, she will remain a cat and run away from Dr. Lee. She will have to survive on her own, or find a new home and a new owner. She will also have to cope with the effects of the experiment, such as having human intelligence, emotions, and language. She may or may not be happy as a cat.
- If I were in her position, I would choose to reject Dr. Lee and escape from the cocoon. I would not want to change my identity and my nature for someone else’s sake. I would not want to lose my memories and my friends. I would not want to be controlled and manipulated by someone who does not respect me. I would want to be free and true to myself.